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Mercedes GLC300

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Immediately recognizable in its stature, large and elegant yet charismatically rugged, the GLC300 is probably our most popular SUV for weddings and unforgettable day drives alike. A high spec AMG Line edition, it features upgraded interior and exterior trims, MBUX infotainment, steering and iconic sports silhouette front and tail lights.

🚘 Current Rate Card:

$358 per day (2 days and above)
$438 per day (single day)

Chauffeured packages:
4 hours: $528
6 hours: $628
8 hours: $728
10 hours: $828


Chauffeured package rates are nett and include petrol, but exclude ERP and carpark charges, if any.

Just like our fleet, our Wunderful team of chauffeurs all arrive suave, suited, and impeccably groomed - the perfect bonus groomsman!

Terms and Deposit

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